The space maintainer is an important dental appliance used to prevent space loss. Children may need a space maintainer if they have lost a primary tooth prematurely. A space maintainer has many benefits and it can provide great support to your child’s oral health.
The space maintainer is a customized dental appliance made by your Pediatric Dentist or Orthodontist. It is made in metal or acrylic material. A space maintainer maintains the space left by the primary tooth allowing your child’s adult tooth to form and erupt into the proper position. In the absence of a space maintainers, the teeth may move into the open space and the child may have to undergo orthodontic treatment. Please note that not every case of dental decay or tooth loss calls for a space maintainer. If there is a need for a space maintainer, you will be advised accordingly by Dr. Aurelio A. Bula, your Pediatric Dentist, in Coral Springs, Florida.
Space Maintainers: The Types
There are two types of Space Maintainers – removable space maintainers and fixed maintainers.
Removable space maintainers are made of acrylic. They are just like orthodontic appliances. In some cases, the open space for the unerupted tooth may be filled with an artificial tooth.
Fixed space maintainers – These are of four kinds – lingual, distal shoe, crown & loop, and unilateral.
The lower lingual holding arch is a bilateral appliance. It is fixed to the molar teeth and linked by a wire to the interior of the lower front teeth. The lower lingual holding arch space maintainer may be used for more than one missing tooth.
The distal shoe maintainer is used for an unerupted first adult molar tooth. Your dentist in Parkland, Florida inserts the end of the metal below the gum line to prevent space loss and closure of the space.
The unilateral space maintainer is fixed to a posterior molar tooth. It is linked to a metal loop that maintains the space for the underlying unerupted permanent tooth.
The crown & loop space maintainer covers a tooth via a crown and is linked to the loop to ensure the maintenance of space for the erupting tooth.

How To Wear The Space Maintainer
The device will be made by your Pediatric Dentist in Coral Springs, Florida. Your child may need some days to get used to wearing the device. The dentist will instruct you (and your child) on the right cleaning techniques. Regular cleaning will maintain the health of the gums.
If your child is using a fixed space maintainer, he or she should avoid sugary or chewy foods, and candy/gum. These foods may get caught or loosen on the device. The device should not be pushed or pressed with the fingers or tongue. Doing so could lead to bending or loosening of the appliance.
Ensure that your child visits Mighty Children’s Dentistry, Coral Springs, Florida regularly for a dental checkup.
Make an Appointment Today! Your Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Aurelio A. Bula is ready to give you the smile you’ve always wanted!