Introducing Silver Diamine Fluoride
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a solution that is applied to a carious tooth to prevent the formation, growth or spread of cavities.
Silver diamine fluoride consists of:
Silver which kills the bacteria
Fluoride which encourages remineralization of your teeth
Water which creates a liquid base for the silver diamine fluoride
Ammonia which maintains the concentration of the solution so that it has a maximal effect against cavity resonance.
Silver diamine fluoride was approved by the FDA in 2014 and has been in use in the United States since then.
How Is Silver Diamine Fluoride Used?
The liquid form of silver diamine fluoride contains 38% of the silver diamine fluoride solution. SDF may be used in the following clinical situations:
- Desensitizing cold sensitive teeth
- Arrest the progress of carious lesions
- Prevention of future caries
- Patients requiring several visits to restore many cavities
- Individuals with limited access to dental care
- Cases where traditional filling restoration are not feasible due to behavioral or health issues.
Application of silver diamine fluoride involves the following steps:
Gauze or cotton is placed closed to the affected teeth so that the teeth won’t be moistened by saliva.
A vacuum suction tool is then used to remove moisture from the teeth’s surface.
Silver diamine fluoride is then applied to the affected area by a cavity.
Areas of the teeth that have been affected by cavities may be masked with the following:
- Crowns
- Opaque
- Glass ionomer
Is Silver Diamine Fluoride Beneficial To Oral Health?
Silver diamine fluoride is very effective in stopping the development of cavities even after its formation.
Silver diamine fluoride arrest the progression of a cavity and prevents the spread of cavities to other teeth.
Silver diamine fluoride may be a better alternative to filling a cavity. Particularly, in cases where a child may not be able to cooperate for conventional dental procedure, due to cooperation or an underlying health issue.
Silver diamine fluoride is very helpful in the treatment of cavities especially in children who may be fearful to materials and instruments used during the treatment of cavities.
The application of Silver Diamine Fluoride is relatively quick and does not involove the need for any special equipment.

Side Effects And Contraindications
Silver diamine fluoride is generally safe, even on young children.
It is contraindicated in people with silver allergy, canker sores, and oral ulcerations, advanced gum disease or tooth decay.
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